A school year of healthy, waste free, visually appealing lunches.

Monday, September 27, 2010


We had a wonderful weekend. Started of with the Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis. Our small walk raised over 25,000$! Thanks to all that donated!
Team Taylor!
Then we went to a cast party for the Hubby and Stinkerbell. They did some community theater earlier this month. That was when I was lucky enough to score a couple bushels of apples. So today I made Apple Honey Pie. The house smells so good. I cant wait to dig into it.
I got the recipe here. Finding Joy in My Kitchen http://joyinmykitchen.blogspot.com/2009/11/apple-honey-pie.html I have tried many of her recipes an I am never disappointed.

Now on to today's lunch.
Lunch for the 1st grader
Strawberries,  a babybel cheese round, a granola bar, PB&J and Trader Joe's pirate booty.

Lunch for the 11th grader
 Cream cheese and cucumber rolled in turkey, Trader Joe's cat cookies, multi-grain crackers with laughing cow cheese spread, a piece of grape laffy taffy, and some grapes.


  1. These look like great lunches. My girls are close in age, it must be hard to fix meals for children with such an age difference.

  2. My kids like most of the same things. I do however have a hard time with portion size and the fact I have to pack higher calorie foods for my daughter because of her Cystic Fibrosis.
